Commissioned by
Eva Schiffler
Premiered by
Trombone, Percussion, Soprano
Eva Schiffler & Béatrice Picard, Bernard Haitinkzaal, Conservatorium van Amsterdam, June 2019
Lyrics by
Fereydoon Moshiri, Translated by Mehdi Afshar, KetabeParseh

What will happen if someone gives us wisdom and tells us the untold story of creation?
What will happen if we experience the beginning and the ending of the creation? How it all began?
How it is going to end? Why are we here?
Fereydoon Moshiri, with his poem, portraits a person who is taken beyond the unrevealed mysteries of the world and experiences the past and present, the light and darkness, the sound and silence. It is like a journey from the beginning to the end of the world; like a dream. A dream that everyone is experiencing, but cannot remember.
For Ramin Amin Tafreshi, the concept of this poem was an inspiration to search for the answers of all those questions with his music. The trombonist Eva Schiffler gave the opportunity to him, to compose a dialogue between trombone as the “demiurge” and singer as the person who is experiencing that journey and gaining the wisdom from “the supreme being.”
This dialogue between human being and the supreme being brings the concept of duality. Duality can be considered as one of the main principles of creation. It is everywhere. It can also be found inside the nature of every single human being. In this composition, the concept of duality, in creation and life, has been used in a way that trombone player and singer are the same person, whereas the vibraphone lets the audience enter into the secret dreamworld.
* Many thanks to Ketabe Parseh for giving me the permission to use the English translation of this poem. Also, many thanks to Mehdi Afshar for his beautiful translation.
List of Musicians
This work has been brought to life by the following remarkable musicians.